Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Innovators Snoozing on Alarm Clocks?

As anyone at USC can attest to, the use of an alarm clock is a vital part of the everyday life of the student.  But what happens when the alarm clock malfunctions or, even more commonly, simply fails to serve its purpose as its owner simply sleeps through the buzzing?  These are the main problems I intend to fix during my complete rethinking of the alarm clock.  Far too many times the batteries in my alarm ran out during the middle of the night leaving me subject to my internal clock- a system that is unfortunately not very reliable.  The breaking point was during finals last semester when my alarm clock decided not to work on the morning of one of my exams.  Thanks to a good roommate I was able to run to GFS and manage to get to the test on time, but what if my roomie didn’t wake me that morning?  The alarm clock is one of the simplest machines out there, but I intend to implement various aspects of modern-day technology to make alarm clocks sought after by the everyday person and gadget lovers alike.  This is one instance where I’m trying to fall asleep on the competition- without worrying about getting back up, that is. 


  1. Alarm clocks have become an essential part of our everday lives. They were a great invention, but quickly became a nasty addiction and now we all fail to utilize our internal clocks with any developed skill. I have, on multiple occasions, set the alarm clock on my phone and either forgeten to turn it off silent or had it on PM when it should have been AM. Perhaps phone alarm clocks should warn you if they are on silent or set for PM. Also regular alarm clocks should all have an extra safety battery for when the power goes out or if the other bateries go out.

  2. Those are some good ideas. I was definitely thinking about employing a back up battery and the warning would be easy to implement and would not add too much to the cost. Thanks for the input!

  3. I have learned the importance of Alarm Clocks, especially my freshmen semester when I slept through my phone alarm clock for my first midterm. In the long run, a very messy situation. From then I have two alarm clocks that have back-up battery power. I like the idea of personalizing alarm clocks. Some people like waking up to easy going sounds and some people, like me, prefer static AM/Mexican radio static on the loudest volume.

  4. I know exactly what you mean.
    I set my alarm an hour before I actually want to get up just so I can turn it off and feel relieved that I have another hour of precious sleep.

    Personalizing an alarm clock would be a great improvement. Being able to change it for weekend moods too where it eases you into the day. It would wonderful.
