Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Innovators Snoozing on Alarm Clocks?

As anyone at USC can attest to, the use of an alarm clock is a vital part of the everyday life of the student.  But what happens when the alarm clock malfunctions or, even more commonly, simply fails to serve its purpose as its owner simply sleeps through the buzzing?  These are the main problems I intend to fix during my complete rethinking of the alarm clock.  Far too many times the batteries in my alarm ran out during the middle of the night leaving me subject to my internal clock- a system that is unfortunately not very reliable.  The breaking point was during finals last semester when my alarm clock decided not to work on the morning of one of my exams.  Thanks to a good roommate I was able to run to GFS and manage to get to the test on time, but what if my roomie didn’t wake me that morning?  The alarm clock is one of the simplest machines out there, but I intend to implement various aspects of modern-day technology to make alarm clocks sought after by the everyday person and gadget lovers alike.  This is one instance where I’m trying to fall asleep on the competition- without worrying about getting back up, that is.